the next three days

美 [ðə nekst θriː deɪz]英 [ðə nekst θriː deɪz]
  • 网络接下来的三天;危情三日
the next three daysthe next three days
  1. In the next three days , I cleared up my affairs ;


  2. The next three days he kept himself from food .


  3. We expect to receive payment within the next three days .


  4. One day you might get five , then nothing for the next three days .


  5. I better not see you watching TV for the next three days .


  6. Hello , lovely people for the next three days .


  7. For the next three days neither Philip nor he spoke to one another .


  8. In the next three days , we must make decisions on immediate action in four broad areas


  9. So for the next three days he was out shoveling cement ,


  10. Over the next three days , Willem 's personality began to change .


  11. Alternative accommodation for team members arriving over the next three days has been arranged .


  12. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of China will follow over the next three days .


  13. For the next three days the CIA planners canvassed alternative landing sites .


  14. During the next three days , they will try to simulate night-and-day conditions down the copper mine .


  15. Over the next three days , thousands of health workers will fan out across six volatile provinces in southern Afghanistan .


  16. Over the next three days , the oysters traveled thousands of miles to 67 cities across the Chinese mainland .


  17. All public transportation in Paris and two other cities will be free for the next three days in an effort to cut down on pollution .


  18. Forecasts predict no let up in rainfall over the next three days , bringing greater risks of flooding and other geological disasters .


  19. Both groups were received acupoint sticking of four hours after surgery , and again after the next three days at eight o ' clock .


  20. Japan 's Meteorological Agency says there is a 70 percent chance of a magnitude 7 or stronger earthquake striking in the next three days .


  21. More rain is expected over the next three days and the government said it had helicopters and food and medical supplies on standby for rescue and relief .


  22. For the next three days , mix the materials well with a wooden stick or spoon . Do this several times a day for about three minutes at a time .


  23. A technology company has revealed it is strapping pollution-monitoring backpacks onto ten pigeons in London to monitor air pollution over the next three days .


  24. In the next three days , I cleared up my affairs ; then I went home , got into bed , and set my watch to tick off not the minutes , but the months .


  25. BEIJING-A cold front will sweep across most parts of China , from west to east , over the next three days , and will bring rains and sandstorms , Sunday 's weather forecast said .


  26. Over the next three days , you will come to put your bravery to the test , your skills as warriors , and of course to challenge the reigning champion , my son -- Prince Arthur .


  27. Weather forecasters say a strong cold front from North West China 's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region will hit most parts of China over the next three days . The cold snap is expected to bring strong winds to China , sending temperatures plummeting .


  28. Over the next three trading days it continued to rise .


  29. In the next three or four days , eleven witnesses will be called to testify .


  30. We will be very busy for the next three or four days .
